The Redding Police Department is located at 96 Hill Road and is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
The Department is comprised of a Chief, Captain, 4 Sergeants, 8 Officers, 1 Detective, 1 School Resource Officer, 2 School Safety Officers, 5 Dispatchers, an Animal Control Officer, P/T Records Clerk and Volunteer Auxiliary Officers.
The Chief of Police is the department head for the police department. The police chief has overall responsibility for the patrol, communications, and animal control divisions of the department. The police department authorized strength is sixteen officers.
The patrol division consists of 4 Sergeants, 8 Police Officers. A police officer is responsible for the protection of life and property, preservation of peace and order, prevention and suppression of crime, arrest and prosecution of offenders, recovery and return of stolen property, and regulation of traffic. The powers and authority of a police officer is derived from Town Ordinance as well as the Connecticut General Statutes. His/her performance involves the frequent exercise of independent initiative, discretion and judgment as well as excellent communications skills.
The Department also has 1 Detective. The Detective is responsible for conducting criminal investigations for a wide assortment of offenses, including but not limited to Narcotic Violations, Burglaries, Larcenies, Robbery, Sexual Assault, Missing Persons, Child Abuse, Homicide, Financial and Identity Thefts, Other in depth or long term investigations. The Detective works with members of the Department, other municipal and State of Connecticut law enforcement agencies as well as Federal agencies, such as FBI, DEA and Secret Service.
The police department is staffed by one dispatcher 24 hours per day. The police department dispatchers are state certified and are responsible for dispatching all police, EMS, and fire calls within the Town of Redding and the Georgetown Fire District. Police dispatchers are trained in: 911 Call-taking, Emergency Medical Dispatching, NCIC/COLLECT, and The Office of Statewide Emergency Telecommunications Dispatch Protocols.
Throughout the year, the men and women of the Redding Police Department participate in a number of special events in addition to their regular duties.